My Books

On this page, you will find the books written by me and how you can order them

Warmth of a Ballad is a collection of love poems. Mind you, this is not the regular love poetry book. This book captures diverse emotions of love including the power of emotions, imagery of daydreaming and a courage of accepting the fleeting observations of the mind. The poems in this collection will make you understand yourself and your emotions of love and companionship. From the pain of a perceived seperation to the idea of experiening the connection with someone, this collection has it all. The poet attunes to your hearts and minds through this verse. So, indulge in this deliciously crafted book for all the lovebirds or for those who find romance even in the air!

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This eBook - A Handbook on Positive Psychology has been designed to introduce the readers to Positive Psychology, its evolution and the practical implementation of its thoughts, ideas and practices. Positive Psychology, touted as the science of happiness and well-being has transformed the field of Psychology from a disease driven approach towards a more holistic, flourishing one. Positive Psychology is increasingly applied at workplaces, educational institutions and in the field of healthcare. This book covers the topic in a simple yet practical and understandable way. By reading this book, the reader will gain a thorough understanding of the topic. 

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This business eBook acts as a guide to emotional resilience especially when people work from home and face challenges like burnout, long exposures to online meetings and so on. This book also showcases different tools and techniques that people can use to enhance their emotional intelligence while working from home and managing their work and their respective teams. This book will help the readers in being better equipped in handling and managing their emotions. 

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This business eBook introduces Artificial Intelligence or the intelligence in Machines that can match human intelligence. When machines start thinking like humans and start learning on their own, they come under the category of Machine learning. This book simplifies everything related to artificial intelligence and machine learning and would be useful for individuals who wish to study further in this area. This book also showcases the future scope of artificial intelligence and the disruptions it can bring in the life around us, both in personal and business sense. 

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